「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」懶人包 | 首站香港   5月3至5日登陸啟德AIRSIDE | 協辦、贊助及參展商介紹 (持續更新)

「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」懶人包 | 首站香港 5月3至5日登陸啟德AIRSIDE | 協辦、贊助及參展商介紹 (持續更新)

GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」懶人包

首站香港   535日登陸啟德AIRSIDE

全港首個最大型卡牌及珍藏品展 過百來自世界各地及本地參展商及收藏家



GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」首站將於香港舉行,作為全港首個最大型、最具規模卡牌及珍藏品展, 53日至5日將登陸香港啟德AIRSIDE,是全亞洲唯一 「在高空中舉辦」 的卡展。「Grade 10」一連三日邀請了業內首屈一指的代表、過百參展商及收藏家在翱翔空間分享珍貴藏品,並於卡展期間舉行運動卡團拆(Group Break)活動、藏卡拍賣會、運動珍藏品展示及來自世界各地的收藏家分享會,交流藏卡的心得。除此之外當然少不得各類遊戲卡比賽,勝出者更會獲得東京來回機票!



GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」邀請了過百參展商及收藏家「大曬冷」分享珍貴藏品,除了本地收藏家,場內更雲集美國、中國、台灣、菲律賓及韓國的參展商及收藏家。除了各款珍貴藏卡,本地收藏迷方力申也展出他一系列的私人珍藏,包括4大球星的比賽簽名運動紀念品(Autographed Game Used collectibles ,估計價值超過一百萬:包括已故名宿高比拜仁(Kobe Bryant)、NBA球星勒邦占士(LeBron James)、米高佐敦(Michael Jordan)及史提芬居里(Stephen Curry)的上場簽名球衣球鞋等!

Grade 10 Asia Card Show - Hong Kong
亞洲巡迴卡展- 香港站
🎟️ 3 - 5 / 5 / 2024
⏰ 16:00 – 21:00 (3/5)
⏰ 12:00 – 21:00 (4-5/5)
📍 AIRSIDE, 2 Concorde Road, Kai Tak, Hong Kong

全港首個最大型卡牌及珍藏品展 -GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」首站香港

535日啟德AIRSIDE舉行   吸引過百來自世界各地及本地參展商及收藏家

世界級收藏家Nick Uliano、台灣YouTuber「老婆不要看」限時分享;


CGC Cards即場接受卡牌鑑定和評級申請;更有珍貴收藏卡拍賣環節

登記入場(Grade10登記連結)即獲資格免費參加運動卡團拆活動 Group Break

#grade10asiacardshowhk #grade10hk #Grade10亞洲巡迴卡展香港站 #grade10香港 @grade10hk



2024年4月26日  香港  近年全球卡牌潮玩市場急速增長及擴張,據TechSci Research* 於2023年11月發佈的”集換式卡牌遊戲市場”調查報告∶2022 年全球集換式卡牌遊戲市場價值為 64 億美元,預計到 2028 年將達至101.9億美元。這股收藏各式遊戲、電影、動漫的集換式卡牌,連同不同運動、球員明星卡的風潮亦席捲香港,籃球明星卡、寶可夢(Pokémon)、迪士尼100週年歡樂收藏卡、海賊王(One Piece)等都是本地收藏家的追捧之選,不少本地熱愛收藏卡牌的粉絲更成立社團供志同道合的玩家交流心得,成為了一個充滿活力的新興潮流文化。

(*TechSci Research調查報告: https://tsci-trading-card-game-market-global-industry-size )



在收藏市場中,「Grade 10」是鑑定中最高的評分標準,以此命名、全港首個最大型、最具規模卡牌及珍藏品展的「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」 首站香港,將於5月3日至5日登陸香港啟德AIRSIDE 29樓。作為亞洲唯一”在高空中舉辦”的卡展,「Grade 10」一連三日邀請了業內首屈一指的代表、過百參展商及收藏家在翱翔空間分享珍貴藏品,並於卡展期間舉行運動卡團拆(Group Break)活動、藏卡拍賣會、運動珍藏品展示及來自世界各地的收藏家分享會,交流藏卡的心得。除此之外當然少不得各類遊戲卡比賽,勝出者更會獲得東京來回機票!請即登記入場(Grade10登記連結),參加及感受這股卡牌潮玩新風潮。

網上參考圖片/連結: (1) https://afuncan.com/  (2) Sa Collectors Expo https://sacollectorsexpo.com/


不同集換式卡牌參考相片 (由HobbyX)


全港最大型具規模的收藏卡及珍藏品展「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」首度登場

全球權威機構包括CGC CardsPSAGoldin Collectibles、本地及海外資深單位等紛紛參與

「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」邀請了過百參展商及收藏家「大曬冷」分享珍貴藏品,作為全港首個最大型卡及珍藏品展,除了本地收藏家,場內更雲集美國、中國、台灣、菲律賓及韓國的參展商及收藏家。而業內權威機構及龍頭單位當然亦是座上客,包括獲得在全球流行文化收藏品評級領域中的領軍者  世界著名的第三方評級服務機構CGC Cards為大會指定評級贊助 (Official Grading Sponsor);運動紀念品第三方評級與驗證公司-PSA(Professional Sports Authenticator)、擁有大量極罕珍藏品的Goldin Auction與及本地的資深業內龍頭 HobbyX、Home-run及HKTCC香港咭會等全力支持。其他參展包括本地通用卡店 (General Card Shop) 、澳門藏卡王、內地卡淘、台灣JJ、菲律賓的Hobby Stadium、韓國的BS Sport Card等。


「Grade 10」場地平面圖


大會指定評級贊助CGC Cards 將會於卡展期間接受卡牌鑑定和評級申請。星期六及日將舉行「Meet The Grader」活動,與CGC Cards業務發展經理及專業評級師Doug Chin-Lee先生會面。不要錯過與他交流並獲得最多兩張卡牌評級的機會!他更會在主舞台上發表CGC Cards在香港服務的一項重大公佈。



世界級收藏家Nick Uliano分享、台灣YouTuber「老婆不要看」即場交流

本地收藏迷方力申展出私人珍藏 NBA球星上場簽名球衣球鞋等

「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」亦邀請了世界級收藏家舉行分享會,包括來自CGC的專業評級師Doug Chin-Lee、美國資深收藏家Nick Uliano、台灣YouTuber 「老婆不要看」即場交流;除了世界級收藏家分享會,眾所周知的本地收藏迷、自稱「簽名收藏迷*」的方力申也展出他一系列的私人珍藏,估計價值超過一百萬∶包括已故名宿高比拜仁(Kobe Bryant)、NBA球星勒邦占士(LeBron James)、米高佐敦(Michael Jordan)、史提芬居里(Stephen Curry)的比賽簽名運動紀念品(Game Used collectibles)!當中價值最高相信是Kobe Bryant「比賽用過」的簽名球鞋 Panini Authentic certified Kobe signed “Game Worn” Shoes 12/15/2015 LE 1/1,各位NBA 迷萬勿錯過!

(1) CGC的專業評級師Doug Chin-Lee、(2) 台灣YouTuber 「老婆不要看」


本地收藏迷方力申為珍藏品展「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」作簡介短片 (https://t.ly/R2TGc)



Michael Jordan Signed Chicago Bulls Rookie Jersey 84-85 M&N Authentic Jersey UDA LE 223

1985 Nike Air Jordan Jump Man 'MJ Flight School Jump man” Michael Jordan signed card BGS 9.5 GEM

Michael Jordan UDA signed vintage OG 1985 Nike Original Air Jordan 1 shoes


Michael Jordan Signed PSA/DNA certified 1986 Fleer Rookie RC card



LeBron James Signed 01/23 LEBRON V Mr Basketball NIKE Zoom Sneakers UDA COA


Stephen Curry Signed 2018 Western Conference Finals Game Used Shoes STEINER COA

Stephen Curry Rookie Warriors autographed PSA card auto

Panini Authentic PSA/DNA certified Kobe Bryant signed Last Game Ticket

Panini Authentic certified Kobe signed Game Worn Shoes 12/15/2015 LE 1/1

Panini Authentic Kobe signed Kobe jersey Retirement Nike Jersey #24 LE 24

Panini authentic Kobe signed Mamba day snake skin commemorative jersey (LE 248 wooden box edition) with 20 season inscription




碰碰運氣爭取獲得限量卡 / NBA球星卡的機會!

團拆文化(Group Break)近年率先於台灣普及,及後開始延伸至香港,首度登場的「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」決定與大家面對面分享拆卡的喜悅!卡展期內的星期六及日(5月4日及5日)將每日舉行2次團拆活動*,合計4次的團拆活動將開箱不同年份Panini NBA Trading Cards,包括∶Prizm、Donruss Optic、Select、Revolution、One & One....等等,有機會開出星雲"(galactic)既平行卡牌 (Paralle Cards)、"Nebula"全球限量限量1張(1 of 1) 既平行卡牌;另外最值得提是One and One, 有機會開出"Downtown"特別卡和"Timeless Moments"簽名卡!各參加者進入會場時可獲手帶及個人號碼牌,並可將其號碼牌放入心儀球隊的收集箱後即獲團拆活動資格,並可於指定時間回到主舞台一同參與緊張的團拆活動,有機會獨得整套心儀球隊的球星卡!



珍貴藏卡拍賣! 20張珍藏卡牌  展開激烈搶奪戰!

卡牌款式、稀有度、保存時間長而狀態良好的卡牌一般可達數千至萬元價值,部份受歡迎款式甚至擁有超過百萬的價值!是收藏家們夢寐以求的珍藏品!「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」將於星期六及日舉行藏卡拍賣會,每日將公開10張極具收藏意義的藏卡供現場人士競投!當中包括:Jordan/Pippen雙人球衣卡、萬人迷碧咸簽名球星卡、1999 WOTC 寶可夢(Pokémon)Fossil 1st Edition Booster Box、海賊王(One Piece) Japanese Monkey D.Luffy Official Event Top Prize PSA 10等。


2009-10 UD SP Game Used Combo Materials - Michael Jordan/Scottie Pippen #ed/499

2022-23 Panini Prizm EPL Flashback Autographs - David Beckham BGS 9.5 / Auto 10

1998-99 UpperDeck Game Jerseys - Allen Iverson BGS 8

2018-19 Panini Prizm Pink Ice - Luka Doncic RC PSA 9

2021-22 Topps Chrome UEFA Champions League Gold Refractor Autographs - Steven Gerrard BGS 9.5 / Auto 10 #ed/50

1999 WOTC Pokémon Fossil 1st Edition Booster Box

2019 Pokémon Hidden Fates Shiny Charizard GX BGS 10 (Pristine Black Label)

2022 One Piece Japanese Monkey D.Luffy Official Event Top Prize PSA 10



場內更設有「GRADE 10」主舞台, 將定時邀請參展商或收藏家包括方力申或其他KOL上台分享其心頭好,亦會分享運動卡收藏品市場之最新資訊,不論是卡界新手或專業收藏家、甚至是純粹籃球愛好者,都一定不容錯過!


三大遊戲卡比賽  得獎者可獲得東京來回機票一套!


集換式卡牌比賽參考相片 (由HobbyX  home-run提供)


  1. 【寶可夢集換式卡牌比賽】

合辨            ∶    Grade 10 x Card Buddies x HobbyX

日期            ∶    5月4日 (星期六)

時間            ∶    中午12:00開始

地點            ∶    遊戲區 GAME AREA

賽制            ∶    「寶可夢集換式卡牌」繁體中文版標準賽制

                        瑞士輪8輪1盤定勝負 (25分鐘)

                        以標準 60 張卡牌構築的牌組及使用 6 張獎賞卡規則

獎項            ∶    任何參賽者均可獲賞由CGC 贊助的【參賽獎】指定擴充包1包



  1. 【Flesh and Blood ProQuest Season 5血肉之戰比賽】

合辨            ∶    Grade 10 x Home-Run

日期            ∶    5月5日 (星期日)

時間            ∶    上午11:00開始

地點            ∶    遊戲區 GAME AREA

獎項            ∶    任何參賽者均可獲賞由CGC 贊助的【參賽獎】指定擴充包1包



  1. 【遊戲王-PC盃Yu-Gi-Oh! PC Cup】

合辨            ∶    Grade 10 x Home-Run

日期            ∶    5月5日 (星期日)

時間            ∶    上午11:00開始

地點            ∶    遊戲區 GAME AREA

獎項            ∶    任何參賽者均可獲賞由CGC 贊助的【參賽獎】指定擴充包1包




[預先登記] 入場費用一覽










GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展 - 香港站」

日期            :      2024年5月3 至5 日(星期五至日)

時間            :      下午4時至9時(5月3日)


地點            :      香港啟德協調道2號AIRSIDE

登記入場   :     Grade10登記連結  或於現場登記



IG 專頁                   : https://www.instagram.com/grade10hk/ 

Facebook 專頁        : https://www.facebook.com/grade10hk


關於「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」

「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」首站香港,是全港首個以及最大型的收藏卡牌及珍藏品展,今年首度於香港舉辦,承著全球卡牌潮玩市場急速增長、世界各地粉絲們對收藏卡的熱愛,旨在成為亞洲地區別具規模的收藏卡牌及相關珍藏品的年度巡迴收藏盛會。在收藏市場中,「Grade 10」是鑑定中最高的評分標準,「GRADE 10亞洲巡迴卡展」將為亞洲地區的收藏市場帶來全新的活力和商機,更為狂熱粉絲們提供了一個連接、交流和展示心愛收藏品的絕佳平台,同時可以與志同道合的人們共同探索。




Official Partner
Home-run於2021年回歸實體店 - Home-run Fabulous card shop,兼營運動卡及遊戲卡。店鋪多年來秉持「向大眾推動收藏卡成為健康的興趣」的理念,並於每月舉辦不同主題的聚會,致力凝結志同道合的人,向各收藏家提供渠道交流。
Home-run started its local business in Hong Kong in 1996 and opened online shop on eBay in 1999, focus on sports card retail business. Over 10 million cards were sold along these 20+ years. Some of them have become a very valuable collection of the buyers.
Home-run resumed its physical store - Home-run Fabulous card shop in 2021. Apart from the sports card retail business, it also covers the TCG game cards onwards. Home-run devoted to promote card collection as a healthy hobby in Hong Kong. In addition, it holds gathering with different theme every month, in order to provide a reliable channel for collectors to exchange ideas and have fun as a community.
HobbyX 是一家擁有實體店舖的專業集換式卡牌零售商,專門銷售各類遊戲卡牌,供收藏家和玩家選購。HobbyX是香港目前唯一獲得官方授權的PSA/CGC經營商,提供可靠的卡牌代送鑑定服務。
HobbyX is a professional trading card retailer with a physical store that specializes in selling various types of gaming cards for collectors and players. It is the only authorized PSA/CGC operator in Hong Kong, providing reliable card grading delivery service.
HobbyX also developed its own online platform offering online auctions and shopping services for worldwide collectors to engage in trading activities, participate in auctions and connect with other collectors.
HKTCC 香港咭會 是一個成立將近十年的 Facebook 群組,擁有超過四千名成員。群組除了可讓成員隨意分享其收藏外,更提供了一個可靠的渠道讓成員間進行交換及買賣。
群組成立初期主要集中於分享NBA運動卡,及後逐漸開放至所有不同類別的運動,例如足球、棒球、美式足球等等;同時亦包括遊戲交換卡 (Trading Cards),例如Pokémon、MTG、日系動漫卡牌等等。另外群組亦有資深成員不時安排卡牌團購 (Group Order) 及團拆開卡 (Group Break) 等交流活動,讓一眾志同道合的朋友,更容易找到自己的心頭好!
HKTCC is a Facebook group that has been established for nearly ten years and has more than 4,000 members. In addition to allowing members to share their collections at will, the group also provides a reliable channel for members to exchange and trade.
The group initially focused on sharing NBA sports cards, and later gradually opened up to all different types of sports, such as football, baseball, American football, etc. It also included TCG game cards, such as Pokémon, MTG, Japanese anime cards, etc. Senior members would also arrange exchange activities such as Group Order and Group Break from time to time, making it easier for a group of like-minded friends to find their favourites!
@香港咭會 Hong Kong Trading Card Club (拍賣,分享,直播,團購 NBA 籃球咭及其他咭)
PSA (Professional Sports Authenticator) 成立於1991年,是目前全球最著名的運動紀念品第三方分級與驗證公司,擁有多年專業鑑定經驗。時至今日已鑑定超過3000萬張收藏卡片與收藏品,其總價值超過市場價值10億美金!
Founded in 1991, PSA (Professional Sports Authenticator) is currently the world's most famous third-party grading and verification company for sports collectibles, with many years of professional identification experience. To date, more than 30 million collectible cards and collectibles have been identified, with a total value exceeding the market value of US$1 billion!
In addition to authenticating the most basic collectible cards, PSA also provides authentication services for different specialty cards, such as Jumbo cards, T3 cards, unopened card packages, etc. Its service categories are divided into four major areas, including Grading, Review, Crossover and Reholder.
Official Grading Sponsor
CGC Cards是一家專業及公正的第三方評級服務機構,致力於為集換卡、體育卡和非體育卡提供第三方鑑定、評級與封裝服務。
CGC Cards與世界知名的硬幣評級機構Numismatic Guaranty Company(NGC)、紙幣評級機構Paper Money Guaranty(PMG)和潮流文化收藏品評級機構CGC(Certified Guaranty Company)同為Certified Collectibles Group(CCG)所有,並且共享CCG集團的高階支援,從而給予買家和賣家更大的信心,並且賦予收藏品更好的流通性及更高的價值。
CGC Cards is a professional and impartial third-party grading and authentication company dedicated to provide third-party certification, grading and slabbing services for trading cards, sports cards and non-sports cards.
CGC Cards is owned by the Certified Collectibles Group (CCG), which also includes the world-renowned coin grading agency Numismatic Guaranty Company (NGC), banknote grading agency Paper Money Guaranty (PMG) and popular cultural collectibles grading agency CGC (Certified Guaranty Company). The professional and experienced support provided by CCG Group gives buyers and sellers greater confidence and gives collectibles better liquidity and higher value.
Official Sponsor
SanDisk 作為「Grade10亞洲巡迴卡展香港站」的指定贊助,一向追求多元化的能力和潛力。作為全球知名品牌,專注於發展不同的存儲方案,協助大家留住最珍貴的回憶💾
SanDisk永遠走在創新的最前方,如iXpand USB及Portable SSD系列,與我們的智能裝置緊密連接,讓儲存再無限制。品牌之記憶卡,不論是專業級,及至為遊戲專用之MicroSD,一直為我們的生活提供全方位支持🙌🏻
SanDisk, being the Official Sponsor of "Grade 10 Asia Card Show - Hong Kong", has always pursued diverse capabilities and potential. As a world-renowned brand, they focus on developing different storage solutions to help everyone retain precious memories💾
SanDisk is always at the forefront of innovation, such as the iXpand USB and Portable SSD series, which are closely connected to our smart devices, allowing storage to be unlimited. The brand's memory cards, whether professional grade or MicroSD for gaming, have always provided all-round support for our lives🙌🏻
Card Hobby is the leading third party trading service platform for sports trading cards, TCG cards and all kinds of film and TV culture IP cards. They have consistently been focusing on the development and operation of sports card trading, Internet trading platform and technology solutions🔥
General Card Shop was established in Tsuen Wan in 1991 and is one of the earliest card shops in Hong Kong. It has witnessed over thirty years of development in the industry. At the beginning, General Card shop mainly focused on Japanese trading cards and celebrity Yes cards. Gradually, it expanded its offerings to include but not only Sports cards, anime cards, and become a wholesaler for TCG products like Pokemon. The shop carried a wide range of merchandise, offering a diverse selection that brought countless memories of childhood for many Hong Kong people in the 1980s and 1990s.
@通用卡店 General Card Shop
Card Express (Card23hk)於1991年在香港太子聯合廣場G36號成立,其經營範疇包括美國運動卡的零售與批發,為香港最早期的運動卡店之一。經過三十多年的發展,Card Express現與Panini、Topps、Upperdeck、Super Break等知名運動卡品牌建立了緊密的合作關係。該店一直不僅銷售原盒,亦一直堅持提供給客人散包,強調讓成人和兒童共同享受抽卡的樂趣。同時也為卡片收藏愛好者提供了一個交流的聚集地。
Card Express (Card23hk) was established in 1991 at G36, Allied Plaza in Prince Edward Hong Kong. It specializes in the retail and wholesale of American sports cards and is one of the earliest sports card shops in Hong Kong. Over the course of more than thirty years, Card Express has developed close partnerships with famous sports card brands such as Panini, Topps, Upperdeck, and Super Break. The shop has consistently sold both sealed packs and loose packs, emphasizing the enjoyment of card collecting for both adults and children. Additionally, it serves as a gathering place for card collectors to exchange and connect with each other.
Hobby Stadium 是一家位於菲律賓的一站式藏品店,專門出售 NBA、WWE、UFC、足球、寶可夢和海賊王等卡牌、還有更多親筆簽名紀念品和其他收藏品。它是 Goldin Auctions、PWCC Auctions、PSA Grading 和 Fanatics Authentics 的官方經銷商,所有珍貴藏品都設有銀行級的保管服務。
它還為《精靈寶可夢》和《海賊王》玩家舉辦官方 TCG 錦標賽。店內更設有餐廳酒吧和休息室,供人們放鬆、閒逛、觀看重大體育賽事和享用美食。
Hobby Stadium is a one stop hobby shop located in Quezon City, Philippines for trading cards such as NBA, WWE, UFC, Soccer, Pokemon and One Piece, autographed memorabilias and other collectibles. It is an official dealer of Goldin Auctions, PWCC Auctions, PSA Grading and Fanatics Authentics. It also hosts official TCG tournaments for Pokemon and One Piece players. Bank grade vault is likewise available for safekeeping of valuables. Situated within the shop is resto bar and lounge for people to chill, hang out, watch major sports events and enjoy good food.
香港運動卡專門店「SCHK」位於香港長沙灣。 SCHK提供線上和線下零售。SCHK 專門向本地和國際市場採購和出售運動卡產品、非運動卡產品、紀念品和卡具。SCHK亦提供交易卡寄售服務。
Sports Card Hong Kong Store "SCHK" is located in Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong. SCHK providing both online and offline retail. SCHK specializes in sourcing and distributing sports card products, non-sports products, memorabilia products and trading card supplies to both local and international markets. SCHK also provides consignment of trading cards services.
SCHK is also planning to provide a physical place for collectors to share and trade their collections in coming future. Our goal is to facilitate communication among the collectors and promote the hobby.
藏卡王創始於中國澳門,目前在北京、珠海、澳門和香港設有卡店和辦事處,為廣大卡友提供全方位高端收藏卡交易、通路支援、評級和周邊金融服務。 藏卡王是亞洲地區少數同時擁有PSA和Goldin白金級合作權益的商家,致力於為亞洲球星卡收藏者提供國際溝通及交易的便利。 藏卡王始終秉持誠信立足的經營理念,提供最專業的服務,努力打造一個卡友覺得可靠的百年收藏品牌。
籃球卡是我們所有人都應該有機會享受的一種逃避方式。我係一個高比 “Black Mamba” 的收藏家,亦都會在市場上探索那些令人難忘或美觀的卡片。好的卡片不一定要昂貴,昂貴的卡片也不一定都好看。你不需要花很多的錢也可以加入這個Hobby Family。快點過來P64/65,交流一下!
Basketball cards is an escape that we should all have the chance to enjoy. An avid Kobe “Black Mamba” collector, always exploring the market for cards that are memorable or aesthetically pleasing. Nice cards don’t have to be expensive, expensive cards are not always nice. You don’t have to break the bank to join this hobby, come check out my collection at P64/65. Let’s talk cards!
JJCS has a Physical Store located in Taipei City & an Online Store to provide services to Card Collector. We also provide various types of Trading Card Sealed Cases、Boxes and Packs.
Agent and Distributor of various brands of collectible cards: Lovin You、Juicy Honey、Panini、Topps、BBM、Epoch、Ultra Pro...etc )
Main Business & Services :
📍 Physical Store & Online Store
📍 Trading Card Sealed Products sale
📍 Single Card consignment services (Goldin、eBay、Yahoo..etc)
📍 Submissions Grading Services ( PSA、BGS )
📍 Promote NEW Groups to enter the card market
📍 Online Store ( Taiwan ) : https://www.JJCS.com.tw
📍 Google Map : https://bit.ly/3W9x5xd
Specializing in live group breaks, the official partner of Card Hobby Asia reselling store. We operate our own channels and platforms for reselling or auctioning. We provide services such as on-site purchasing in Japan, pre-ordering new products, online stores, grading & consignment service. For more details at poombreaks.live.
位於觀塘的MOONROAD CARD STORE是一家專注於收藏和玩卡的店鋪。我們提供各國最新的Pokemon、OP、YGO、Panini等卡牌商品,同時也擁有全港罕見的懷舊卡牌收藏,例如Pokemon的Base set卡。此外,我們還提供多種獨特的服務,包括鑑定服務、日本代賣服務和寄賣服務等。歡迎您前來門市或網店了解詳情。
MOONROAD CARD STORE is a collectibles and trading card shop located in Kwun Tong. MR offers a wide range of the latest Pokemon, OP, YGO, Panini, and other card products from various countries. We also have a rare collection of nostalgic cards, such as the Base set cards from Pokemon. MR provides unique services including appraisal service, Japanese proxy purchasing service, consignment service, and more. Feel free to visit our physical store or online shop for more information.
Carder is a trading card store located in San Po Kong. Our store's services include: PSA appraisal services, overseas purchasing, card competitions, TCG products, consignment, etc.
Perfect 10 Collectibles 開業於2023年,主業務為TCG零售,, 並提供寄賣,代賣及代送鑑定服務。Perfect 10 Collectibles致力將卡牌服務推陳出新, 除了每星期私人卡牌拍賣會外, 近期更成立CardSino Breaks, 定期推出TCG及運動卡團拆活動, 努力推廣不同類型的卡牌給客人。
Perfect 10 Collectibles was established in 2023, specializing in TCG retail and providing consignment, and grading services. Perfect 10 Collectibles is committed to innovating card services. In addition to weekly private card auctions, they have recently established CardSino Breaks, which regularly hosts TCG and sports card group break events, striving to promote different types of cards to customers.
CYOC於2022年開始成立, 是來自香港的朋友,亦對卡界充滿熱情的青年。成立CYOC目的是可以為各卡位卡友提供不同服務, 如開break、香港及海外代賣等, 令世界各地的朋友也可以得到自己心儀的卡片作收藏。亦會在空閒時間開下break, 將玩卡的樂趣帶給大家!
Welcome everyone to Collect Your Own Cards Soccer Break! We are located in Hong Kong. We aim to attract both local and international card collectors for a fresh new break platform! We will be posting breaks (mainly soccer) regularly and doing large sales every month. Let’s join the fun together and see you all soon!
創辦人持有的著名品牌 “HongKongBusyWorkshop” 乃 EBAY TOP-RATED SELLER 成立兩年成功交易超過600單並獲百分百正面評價。
Hong Kong Trading Cards Exchange is a Facebook group that serves as a platform for discussing and trading various types of collectible cards. In just one year since its establishment, it has gathered approximately 1,300 members.
The founder of the group is the owner of the prominent brand ”HongKongBusyWorkshop,“ which is an eBay Top-Rated Seller. Over the course of two years, over 600 transactions were successfully completed and received 100% positive feedback.
隨著Tarmac Works踏入第十個年頭,精品汽車珍藏卡Tarmac Cards的推出將成為品牌舉足輕重的轉捩點。每張精品汽車珍藏卡Tarmac Cards的背後都是一段故事的開始,在不同的人手上都能探索到無限的可能性。
Tarmac Works將與世界各地的不同品牌、車手及創作者等合作,共同創造出獨一無二的收藏體驗,將珍藏卡文化重新定義。精品汽車 珍藏卡Tarmac Cards製作質量精美,部份稀有卡更印上獨立編號, 更具收藏價值。每張Tarmac Cards擁有獨特的故事性,將合作夥伴 的故事、設計和精髓注入其中,創造出與別不同的珍藏卡系列。
Tarmac Works was founded in 2014 and we are a team of cars and model cars enthusiasts based in Hong Kong.
Embarking on Tarmac Works 10th-year journey, Tarmac Cards marks a pivotal moment in our evolution. Beyond asphalt, our mission is to elevate our brand globally, championing car culture through storytelling. In your hand, Tarmac Cards explores boundless possibilities, collaborating with visionaries, drivers, creators, and influencers globally.
We aim to redefine collectible cards, forging partnerships with boundary-pushers for a unique collector experience. Open to diverse topics, Tarmac Cards is committed to innovation, celebrating a decade of Tarmac Works. Join us in a global movement where every card tells a story, transcending time and tarmac.
創於2017年,我們的宗旨是提供一個友善及舒適的 環境給我們的客人。我們同時售賣新品及中古絕版 貨,另外我們亦會為客人代送PSA鑑定,亦有提供 寄賣服務。我們在元朗區及油麻地區均設有門市, 方便客人選擇取貨地點。
Established since 2017, our goal is to provide a friendly and comfortable environment for our shoppers. We offer both new and vintage items, and aside from selling, we also send out to PSA for grading on behalf of individuals and consignment. We have branches in Yuen Long and Yau Ma Tei that provide flexible option for shoppers to pick up their items.
EvoSlab is a Hong Kong based Sports & Game trading card dealer. We deal Basketball, Soccer, F1 and Pokémon Cards. We vendor at card trade show all over the world and we are excited to vendor at the GRADE 10 ASIA CARD SHOW HK in local soil ! Evoslab will stock tones of selection ranging from low end dollar box to high end slabs! Make sure to come check us out at table P48.
We are sports cards collectors from Hong Kong. We have been collecting over 20 years & specialize in NBA cards. Our key collections include Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Paul George & John Wall.
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